Explore 10 fun ways to organize and personalize your journal with these simple and playful Bullet Journal Layout Ideas guide!

Bullet Journal Layout Ideas

What is a Bullet Journal?

A bullet journal is a versatile and personalized system for organization and note-taking created by Ryder Carroll. It typically consists of a blank notebook that you fill with a combination of bulleted lists, short notes, and symbols to represent tasks, events, and notes. The system is designed to be flexible, allowing you to organize your thoughts, track habits, set goals, and plan your schedule in a way that suits your individual needs and preferences. It’s a creative and efficient method to bring order to your life while providing a space for self-expression.

What Order Should My Bullet Journal Be In?

The order of your bullet journal is entirely up to you, but here’s a common structure to consider:

  1. Index:
    • Reserve the first few pages for an index. This helps you easily locate various sections and collections in your journal.
  2. Key:
    • Dedicate a page to your key, outlining the symbols you’ll use for tasks, events, and notes.
  3. Future Log:
    • Create a future log for events and tasks that aren’t in the current month. This can span a few pages, usually six months to a year.
  4. Monthly Log:
    • Followed by your monthly log, where you can record events, tasks, and goals for the current month.
  5. Weekly/Daily Logs:
    • Many people prefer weekly logs to break down tasks further, while others opt for daily logs for more detailed planning. Experiment to see which suits you best.
  1. Collections:
    • Include specific collections like to-do lists, goal trackers, or any other thematic grouping you find helpful.
  2. Reflection Pages:
    • Set aside pages for reflections, gratitude lists, or any personal notes you want to capture.
  3. Back Matter:
    • At the end, you might have additional pages for things like book lists, favorite quotes, or anything else you want to include.

Remember, the beauty of bullet journaling is its adaptability. Feel free to adjust the order to fit your preferences and needs.

10 Bullet Journal Layout Ideas

Bullet journals have become a hot hobby lately and I am not mad about that even a little bit.


These nifty little things help keep you organized, focused, accountable, and, in many cases, for those of us with a mental illness, a wee bit saner. Need to back up a second? Learn how to start a bullet journal.

Here are ten bullet journal ideas to kickstart your new obsession:

10 Bullet Journal Layout Ideas!


1. Meal Planning

Meal Planning bullet journal design
Meal planning tends to be the bane of most people’s existence. Especially when you’re feeding a family. This idea from Sublime Reflection is bright, colorful, and ingenious.

2. Habit Tracking

Habit Tracking bullet journal design
The perfect way to take stock of healthy habits is to track them. Doing so with neon pens as craftyenginerd did doesn’t hurt either.

3. Goal Setting

Goal Setting bullet journal design

You can’t get there if you don’t know where you wanna go. I love this idea from emschwartzrdn about jotting down a few goals in different categories of your life to help keep your eyes on the prize.

4. Travel Logging

Travel Logging bullet journal design

I am obsessed with The Travel Tester‘s idea of creating a map of where you tend to travel and coloring each location in once you explore that place. Could be a great way to track local adventures too.

5. Show Binging

Show Binging bullet journal design
It’s no secret we are a society of binge-watchers. I think this idea from bujo_planner is an adorable way to keep track of what season you’re in and which episode you left off on when you dozed off after nine straight hours of a Grey’s Anatomy marathon.

6. Song Listening

Song Listening Bullet Journal design
I don’t know about you, but I sometimes forget the name and artist of songs that make me feel really good. This idea to create a page about the emotion the songs on the page evoke as a central focus from pepperandtwine is so smart.

7. Home Projecting

Home Projecting bullet journal design
Does anyone else have a laundry list the size of Texas of what things you want to improve around the house? No? Just me? Well me and mebeleen I suppose. This super cute representation of her house with all the little things she’d like to tackle in each room keeps things neat and underwhelming. Which is exactly how home improvement projects should go.

8. Book Reading

Book Reading bullet journal design
Any avid reader out there loves keeping track of the treasure trove of stories they’ve been whisked into. maryj13 is certainly onto something with this design to keep a running list of just that.

9. Task Completing

Task Completing bullet journal design
The basic of all basic purposes for bullet journals: making your to-do lists. This layout from southerdaisybybh is so clever with the inclusion of the day’s weather as well.

10. Important Date Remembering

Important Date Remembering bullet journal design
A quick overview of big, important birthdays and holidays is such a time saver when it’s time to send cards or gifts. This layout that covers the year’s events from Passion Themed Life is so light and refreshing and colorful, yet simple. I love it so much.

Are you into bullet journals?