Carnival Cruise Line’s “Day of Play” at St. Jude Research Hospital
A few days ago, I took a quick trip to Memphis to visit St. Jude, courtesy of Carnival Cruise Line.
My assignment? Volunteer at a Dr. Seuss-themed “Day of Play” for the kids of St. Jude Research Hospital. How could I possibly say no to that?

photo credit: St. Jude
St. Jude Research Hospital
If you are not familiar with St. Jude, let me give you some insight.
“The mission of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is to advance cures, and means of prevention, for pediatric catastrophic diseases through research and treatment. Consistent with the vision of our founder Danny Thomas, no child is denied treatment based on race, religion or a family’s ability to pay.”
This was my second time receiving a tour of St. Jude and the second time that I was blown away by the staff, facilities, and children of the hospital. It doesn’t even feel (or smell) like a hospital. Instead, it feels more like a large family home.
It may sound crazy, but it takes $2.2 million to keep St. Jude running each day. Yup.
The good news? Donations take care of the costs. In fact, 70% of the donations received at St. Jude are from individuals who send an average of $35/month. If that isn’t an indicator of how many people adore this facility, I don’t know what does.
St. Jude’s Partnership with Carnival Cruise Line
Being the family-friendly company that they are, it only makes sense that Carnival Cruise Line partnered with St. Jude a few years ago. Carnival supports the hospital’s goal of never sending a bill to families who receive cancer treatment.
Carnival reached the $5 million fundraising mark through its Care to Play program with St. Jude, which an additional $10 million goal by 2020. These funds were raised mostly from activities onboard and shoreside through Carnival, such as the “Groove for St. Jude Dance Party,” bingo, waterslide fun, and the sales of bakery items.
Day of Play
“Part of Carnival Cruise Line’s “Head of State Play Date” at the hospital, the #CatinHat4Prez-themed event coincides with the release of the new Dr. Seuss book, “One Vote, Two Votes, I Vote, You Vote,” that teaches kids about the election process and the importance of voting.”
In fact, I was assigned to the voting station at the event! I will admit that the ballot was a bit rigged. 🙂
I bet you can guess who won.
In addition to the voting station, there were fun crafts, games, snacks, and a presidential parade.

photo credit: St. Jude
The kids had the best time!

photo credit: St. Jude
A big THANK YOU to Carnival Cruise Line and St. Jude for allowing me to help with this heartfelt event. The children of St. Jude will forever be an inspiration to me. <3
As I said, St. Jude relies on donations to keep their hospital free for all children who suffer from cancer. Consider donating here.
Disclosure: Carnival Cruise Line sponsored my travel and accommodations for this event.