If you love melted snowman cookies, you’ll adore my adaptation of Melted Minions Cookies made with yellow marshmallows and icing!

I’ve mentioned it before, but everyone in my house LOVES Minions. It wasn’t enough for me to buy Despicable Me 3 Special Edition when it recently became available on Blu-Ray and DVD or for us to have a family viewing night; I decided to go full theme with the family viewing night and made these Melted Minion Cookies!

I didn’t invent the cookie concept; I just adapted a Melted Snowman cookie for Minions.

Melted Minion Holiday Cookies

I thought having a party during winter break could be a great idea. Make the cookies and other treats (maybe bananas?), and then let the kids watch the movie while you get a little peace (if you can resist watching yourself).

Melted Minion Holiday Cookies


You will need:

Learn how to assemble the cookies in the video below: