A delicious alternative is to take a mug of black tea and add a spoonful (or two) of this chai concentrate.

I’m stressed out. Super stressed. Stressed to the max. Stress can take a serious toll on your energy, and while I am a big fan of the morning and afternoon cup of coffee, it is nice to change the routine. A delicious alternative is to take a mug of black tea and add a spoonful (or two) of this chai concentrate.

Easy Chai and Chocolate Chai Concentrate Coffee Recipe

I made a jar of regular chai and a jar of chocolate chai concentrate. Both are equally good. If you are still craving coffee, make yourself a latte and add a spoonful of this chai concentrate. It is comforting and guaranteed to de-stress you, at least a little bit. Ready for the recipe?

Easy Chai and Chocolate Chai Concentrate Coffee Recipe

Easy Chai and Chocolate Chai Concentrate Coffee Recipe

A delicious alternative is to take a mug of black tea and add a spoonful (or two) of this chai concentrate.
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Servings 8 - Makes many servings (I made a double batch and it filled three jam jars)


  • 1 14- ounce can sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 teaspoon granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon ground cardamom
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • Note: For Chocolate Chai Concentrate, add about 3 Tablespoons of chocolate syrup (more if you want it extra chocolaty)


  • Empty condensed milk into a jar or plastic container with tight-fitting lid. Stir in the sugar, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg. Store in refrigerator.
  • To use: Brew a cup of strong black tea, such as Assam, then add two heaping teaspoons of concentrate or more to taste. Stir well until concentrate has fully melted.
  • To give: Pour into small jars with lids and tie with an attractive bow, or wrap the jar first. Attach a tag with instructions to keep the mix refrigerated and how to use it.
  • To keep: Store in refrigerator for up to 6 months.
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