Should Pregnant Women Wear Bikinis?
While visiting the swimming pool today, I noticed a very pregnant woman sporting a bikini.
Although I did not personally find it offensive or obscene in any way, I noticed that she was receiving several interesting looks from others.
It made me curious as to what people think about publicly exposing a pregnant belly. Do you find it offensive?
Also, is it even safe to expose a pregnant belly to the sun for long periods of time? I always thought it was unsafe to do so?
Let’s discuss!
25 Comments on “Should Pregnant Women Wear Bikinis?”
To an extent,I think wearing a bikini while you’re pregnant is OK,as long as there are no health risks,or too much exposure to the sun. It’s true that a pregnant woman’s body is beautiful,so if you want to show if off,as long as it doesn’t look slutty,I say do it! Tori Spelling,expecting her 4th! child,is the latest example of looking sexy while being pregnant. The link is too long,so i’ll just send you to,click on the “Latest News” on the home page,and you’ll see the picture there.
It is not in any way offensive to me. More power to any women – regardless of size whether pregnant or not – who feels comfortable in a bikini! I’m like this with any clothing really. I may not like their style or how much (or how little) they show or whatever, but it is not my body and not my clothes.
I am in the same boat with you. I don’t really mind either way, as long as the baby isn’t in danger.
I wore a bikini through both of my pregnancies and think just like all other style choices it’s really only subject to the discretion of the person wearing it. To each her own!
I agree! Did you ever receive negative feedback doing so?
Ewe! That is why they make something called a maternity bathing suit! Yes, pregnant women are beautiful, and a maternity bathing suit just enhances that fact. Once you become pregnant put away the bikini and wear something that flatters your pregnacy. A bikini is NOT it.
ewe? Why are pregnant women only beautiful in a ‘maternity bathing suit’? There is absolutely nothing ‘ewe’ about being pregnant
I find it awesome to see a glowing pregnant belly out in the sunshine. I love seeing pregnant women in bikinis at the beach! I did it for both my children and loved how the sun warmed them up, they both love the beach and ocean now and I can just imagine it is because they were introduced at an early age. Take care to drink lots of fluids and cool off in the water, otherwise it is beneficial to both of you!
Heck yes!! I always wanted to be pregnant in the summer so I could rock my bare belly — cause I’d never do it not preggo 😉
Haha, good point!
My thoughts exactly! If my pregnancy went through the summer, I would certainly be out there flaunting my bump. Now I’m back into hiding hahaha!
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I do see anything wrong with pregnant woman wearing a bikini! I actually think it’s quite adorable! I think if you feel comfortable enough to do then you should! 🙂
With my first three pregnancies I would wear a bikini when it was only my husband and I alone on a beach. I’d either wear a tank top and shorts or bring a back up bathing suit just in case. I worried about the looks I would get if I offended someone, because not everyone appreciates it. With my fourth….I decided I’ve seen much less clothing on others in shape and not so in shape…Why did I have to cover up? I had a reason to wear less clothing. I wasn’t trying to be provactivie I just wanted to get cool! This go around I let my freak flag fly..and my beautiful baby belly hang out. with my sun dress close by if I started to get uncomfortable with the looks. I recieved a lot of compliments suprisingly by older women who had wished they had done that when they were pregnant. Most of them said they hated what the felt forced to wear.
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The ONE and only time I sported a bikini since becoming a mom was when I was pregnant. There is no way I would ever do it now but I felt darn good about my pregnant body and didn’t care what others thought.
And if I were to ever see a pregnant lady doing the same I would commend her. I think as long as it’s done tastefully there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.
I say that pregnant women should definitely wear bikinis if they so choose to.Pregnant bodies are beautiful and fascinating and exciting and intriguing!!! If a pregnant woman is proud of it,then she should flaunt it.
EEEW is NOT the phrase which should be used ever to describe ANYONE let alone a beautiful pregnant woman. I find that comment offensive just because of how you started it with that word. It’s people like you who cause such discomfort in society. POWER TO PREGGIE LADIES! Show off your baby bump any way YOU feel comfortable – covered up or on display. Just if you do wear a bikini – wear sunscreen as well 🙂
I was due 1 month ago and i went to the beach with a sexy, skimpy, string bikini and it felt awesome until I went into the water and gave birth! LOL it was hilarious!
How DARE you say “eww”? A woman’s body, pregnant or not, is not a ornament designed to please the public. Grow up. I feel terrible seeing these posts from women saying they liked and felt comfortable and beautiful in a bikini, but that others “didn’t appreciate it” or “don’t want to see that.” Girl, wear what makes YOU feel good. You judgemental (and kind of creepy) people need to mind your own business and stop making emotionally vulnerable pregnant women feel like they need to worry about being acceptable to YOU.
I am currently 25 weeks 3 days and I got a bikini that has shortie bottoms and a string top and being due September 13th I have all intentions of rocking my bikini.all the mamas out there should do whatever makes you feel good and happy.pregnancy is NOT eww!!!Pregnancy is creating a beautiful tiny human and if you wanna soak up the sun then go for it girl cause I will be too
Nothing is ugly but your attitude.
please elaborate on how the process of being pregnant is ugly? It’s natural, it’s how you and I were both brought into this world. If you find it possible to compare a pregnant belly to a man who drinks and doesn’t take care of his belly then you just have it all twisted. Despite anyone’s appearance.. you have no right to judge anyone.
Me personally I’m a huge fan of body confidence, and a confident pregnant woman is truly beautiful. So as long as it isn’t causing harm to the baby, I say go for it. A pregnant belly is beautiful, as is nurturing a new life.