4 Boozy Hot Cocoa Cocktail Recipes
Is there anything better than a boozy hot cocoa cocktail? Check out these 4 hot chocolate cocktail recipes!
Is there anything better than a boozy hot cocoa cocktail? Nope.
Icelandic Hot Chocolate
- 1 ½ part Reyka Vodka
- 6 part of Hot Chocolate (Swiss Miss)
- ¾ part Ancho Reyes
- 1 dash of Angostura Bitters
Glass: Hot Toddy Glass or Styrofoam Cup
Garnish: Mini Marshmallows or whip cream
Method: Build ingredients in a cup
Cocoa Buie II
- 2 parts Drambuie
- 9 parts Hot Milk
- 3 tbsp Hot Cocoa mix
- 1/8 tsp Ground Cinnamon
- 1/8 tsp Kosher Salt
- Optional Garnish with miniature marshmallows
In a saucepan combine all ingredients and warm over medium heat. Stir slowly until simmering. Serve hot.
SJ & Hot Chocolate
- 1 ½ part Sailor Jerry Spiced Rum
- 1½ parts Butterscotch Schnapps
- 3 parts Hot Chocolate
- Dash of Orange bitters
Add equal parts liquor to hot chocolate, top with whipped cream, shaved chocolate, and garnish with a cinnamon stick or candy cane
Spiced Hot Chocolate
- 1 ½ part Milagro Añejo
- 3 parts Abuelita Chocolate Tablets or your favorite Hot chocolate Powder and Heavy Cream
- 1 pinch Grated Chili Chocolate Bar
Glass: Clear Mug
Build in a clear mug or another drinking vessel suitable for hot beverages. Top with whipped cream and chili chocolate shavings