BLOGGING 101: How to Create a Media Kit & One Sheet
Media Kit. Do you have one for your blog?
I recently streamlined my media kit to just one clean page, as not to be too overwhelming for potential clients. So….I created a template for you, too. 🙂
Since I created this in a Google Doc, you can edit as you wish by changing colors, fonts, images, etc. Have fun with it. Show your personality, but keep it clean and easy to read.
To use the media kit:
- Join my Totally Profesh Facebook group (because we have a ton of freebies likes this one there!)
- Visit to grab the document link. (best results when you use a desktop/laptop)
- Click on File → Make a Copy → Name Copy → OK.
- Start editing your media kit!
This is your year!
32 Comments on “BLOGGING 101: How to Create a Media Kit & One Sheet”
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Great post Amy!! This is some really usually useful information. Thanks 🙂
@1stopmom, It is my pleasure!!
Great post! I do have one question though. Although I’ve been blogging for years, I’ve never been interested in money making opportunities until recently. So I’m completely ignorant concerning appropriate pricing, etc. Also, if you’ve never done a campaign for your blog, what do you put under your experiences? This is where I always get stuck, and any help you can provide or any other sites you can direct me to with this information available would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
@Kellyology, If you haven’t done a campaign before, list other experience-writing experience, any reviews/giveaways experience, social media experience, etc. You certainly don’t have to include everything I have listed, just what is applicable to your own experience and talents.
As far as pricing goes, there are no set rules. You set your price. Experiment. Compare other advertising prices from other comparable blogs. Trial and error is usually the way most of us find our price. 🙂
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Great advice for the serious blogger wanting to make money from her blog.
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Great post Amy. I am thinking about taking my blog to a more professional level and this post was very helpful. Keep up the Blogging 101 Series – every post has been very helpful!
This is excellent and concise. Thank you. I am going to draft a one sheet with your tips before I go to my first blogger conference.
Bless you! I so needed this!
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Thank you a million times over (for this post). I have been looking for someone to explain a media kit in these terms (as well as providing a sample)…THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!
You’re the best!
Blogfully yours,
@barbarabaker, You are so welcome!!
I’m just getting into the idea of getting: sponsors, advertising, paid reviews etc into my arsenal. What do you suggest of newbies who don’t have all of the information you listed? Should you skip those sections? Should you list none (I’m guessing no b/c that would look bad)? I want to have one at the ready, but am concerned I’m not desirable yet. Thanks for a great post.
@Fashionably Organized, Yes, I would skip those sections for now and you can always add to it later!
I do have a question if anyone can anwer…What’s the best way to save this? I notice that on many blogs this isn’t readily available for just anyone to view. Thanks 🙂
@Milcah, You can print it out or bookmakr it.
@Mom Spark,
Ok, thanks. I’ve almost got it together. Put it off too long already lol.
Thanks for putting this together!
This is just what I needed!!!
Thanks for this, Amy. I needed some direction.
@Mary@Everyday Baby Steps, It’s my pleasure!
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Thanks for sharing this information, very helpful!!
@LisaLisa, It’s my pleasure! 🙂
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So pretty! <3
Pingback: How to: Create a Media Kit for Your Blog | Evolved Mommy
This is a great description. Rebuilding my own media kit, so this is super helpful. The sample links above are saying I need permission, though. Is there any way to see a sample? Thanks Amy!
Just made it public!
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