How To Make Six Figures a Year Blogging
click here to join our FB group where we dive in even more!
The Beginning
This past July marked my eighth year of blogging. Eight. Years.
It is cliche to say, but those years really did fly by quickly.
Mom Spark began as a passion project. My biggest goal at the time of its birth was to create a way to bring in a few extra dollars for my family from the comfort of my home. Perhaps even chip away at debt, but that was dreaming BIG. I never expected to earn more than a couple of hundred of dollars a month and that was quite okay with me.
Well, it turned out to be much more than that. In fact, this passion project became a full-blown career that even…gasp…brought in paychecks that were comparable (or sometimes more) than my spouse’s income. Six figures annually. I didn’t even know it was that much until I sat down to work on my taxes because I was working so dang hard. Needless to say, it was a nice surprise. 🙂
While I hope that that last paragraph perked your eyes up a bit, let me quickly throw a wrench into the mix before your emotions get you too carried away.
There, I said it. And I’m sure you had assumed as much, but I still needed to say it anyway.
Real money requires hard work, BUT…
What if hard work didn’t feel bad or uncomfortable?
What if your passion for producing brilliant content, making connections, and being creative was fairly rewarded?
What if you loved your work?
I’ll tell you what would happen – you’d enjoy every minute of it. You’d be proud, grateful, and confident. You’d also be unstoppable.
Oh, and before you ask, “Wait, isn’t blogging dead?” It’s not, so relax. It has changed a LOT, but it isn’t dead. If it were, I wouldn’t be writing this.
This “Book” of a Post
Full disclosure – this post is long. I could have plopped this content into an eBook and sold it (and I’m sure that I’ll get scolded by my colleagues for not doing so), but I didn’t want to do that.
Because I want every blogger, both new and experienced, to have the same success that I did. I want to inspire each and every one of you to live out your dreams the way you want to live them.
I want you to make your own rules, while still being a responsible adult.
I want you to jump out of bed every Monday morning because you cannot wait to get to work, even if that means simply walking to the dining room table. Or the beach.
As you read through this post, you will quickly notice that I don’t always speak directly about money itself. This piece will not be a black and white discussion on how to convince clients, brands, and businesses to pay you. There is absolutely no way to speed up that process, (I’ll get to this in the “Cutting Corners” section) and I wouldn’t recommend that you even try this method. Instead, I plan to teach you skills and practices that have your email inbox full of so many pitches, opportunities, and gigs that you may actually turn some down or send over to a trusted colleague’s way.
Can you imagine what that awesome would feel like?
If you want this career, you will have it, but you gotta like it. If you’re taking this path in hopes to make a full-time income but don’t care about the work, your content will surely suffer. You’d be miserable, too. You can’t fake love and passion, especially when your love and passion are only driven by cash.
So, do you want to get serious about blogging? Are you ready to write some serious notes, take ownership of past decisions (whether good or bad) and get the biggest fire ever under your butt ever?
Since this piece is lengthy, you may want to bookmark it in your browser and read it at your own pace. I have also broken this content up into a few pages to make it a bit easier to consume. I also have a handy dandy resource page at the very end that includes a nice list of my favorite equipment and tools that I have used over the years for my business, so make sure you check that out as well.
I have also set up a handy dandy “Totally Profesh” Facebook group that will dive in even deeper on more specific tools and practices that will help your blog succeed, like content planning, productivity tools, media kit creation, pitching, video creation, and more via Facebook Live Events, videos, and posts.
Have questions? Leave a comment here or in the Facebook group and I will be happy to help you. If you haven’t started a blog yet, no worries.
You can continue on and/or create your blog in less than an hour.
Let’s get this party started, yo.
AND join the “Totally Profesh” Facebook group
This post contains my personal affiliate links.

For 16 years, I have been the creator & full-time blogger of Mom Spark. I’ve also created content for numerous outlets such as Good Housekeeping, Better Homes & Gardens, & Huff Post.
19 Comments on “How To Make Six Figures a Year Blogging”
Hi Amy! Thank you for posting this, it’s really getting me inspired. I felt like I was hitting a plateau this last couple of weeks and I think this just might push me over it. I’ve bookmarked the page and I can’t wait to read through everything.
That’s my job! Let me know if you have any questions when reading through. 🙂
I love your post, your honesty, and how you’re connecting your visitors to a career in blogging. I’m going to join your Facebook group.
Thank you for your amazing words! I’m excited to have you in the group.
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i received many useful information from your post. Thank you for sharing!!
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Thanks, Amy. I’m trying to get started and this is very useful!
My pleasure!
Thanks Amy and thanks for being transparent. It is really encouraging to the newcomers.
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