Halloween Costumes For Pregnant Moms
Will you be boasting a big baby belly for Halloween this year? Have you settled on a clever costume idea?
If you happen to be searching for a little inspiration, check out these clever (if not hilarious and disturbing) ideas below!
01. The Pregnant Skeleton: Part of me thinks this is adorable, while another part of me grapples with the imagery of a little skull baby. Still, it’s pretty cute!
02. The Pumpkin Belly: A classic choice!
03. The Queen Bee: Love this spunky getup.
04. I’m Dressed Up As My Mom: Simple, clever… love it!
05. The Pregnant Zombie: I think we can all agree that this one’s not for the faint of heart!
Earlier, I was trying to remember what on earth I did for my expectant Halloween, and so I dug into my blog archive to discover that I was 7 months pregnant and homesick for the night. Poor mama! I hope you all have a much better celebration — especially if you’re in your 3rd trimester!
So, what do you think? Will you be dressing up your bump this October 31st?
16 Comments on “Halloween Costumes For Pregnant Moms”
I can’t get enough of the last one!
@Michael Corley, Ha! Yeah, a bit disturbing in a good way.
I really like the first one. its really cute.
When I was pregnant with my daughter I dressed up as Juno (complete with a bottle of Sunny D) and my hubby went as her boyfriend (I think his name was Bleaker?) It was so funny to see him in short shorts and sweat bands!
@Danielle T, Ha! That is super creative.
These are hilarious!!!! SO clever. I just re-tweeted and posted on my Facebook page a link to your blog. This is awesome!
@Lauren, Ahhh, thank you so much for sharing!
I’ve been trying to decide on a pregnant outfit but we shall see! I just hope I can keep myself walking for Trick or Treat night!
@Jenna @ For The Love of Baby!, Well, stay in something comfortable, girl!
With my first child, I was MAJORLY pregnant… he was due on November 1st. I went as a Nun. 🙂 Yep, a Pregnant Nun! Being Catholic, I could do that – of course, my husband’s Baptist Family thought it was HILARIOUS! 🙂
@Kelli, Ha! Love that. 🙂
I only dressed up once when I was pregnant. I wore a black tee and printed out a white circle with the number 8 printed on it in black. Can you guess what I was ? A Magic Eight Ball! I worked in an office where Halloween was taken very “seriously” — work literally stopped for the day for parades, contests, and parties.
@MusingsfromMe, Haha, I LOVE it!
Although the last one looks so creepy and almost make me sick, it still brilliant.
I was just pregnant enough to make it uncomfortable to button my jeans. And I felt like puking all the time. I wore normal clothes and slept right up until we had to leave. No fun. LOL
🙁 That’s not any fun!