I know, I know…It has taken me forever to finally post my Mod Podge art project that I’ve been talking about for months. Well, folks, I finally have it finished, on the wall, and photographed!

DIY Mod Podge Canvas Art

For those of you who are new, check out this post on how to create your own wall art using Mod Podge, by one of our contributors, Suzanne. (her bio coming soon) I am VERY pleased with how it turned out and think it is a great addition to our home.

Like Suzanne, I used 12 x 12 canvases. I painted the sides a dark brown, then used Mod Podge to glue scrapbook paper to the front of the canvases. I covered it all in Mod Podge to give it a glossy look. Suzanne used a foam brush to get a flawless, smooth look, but I actually used a paintbrush which added stroke marks that I liked because it looks more like a painting.
DIY Mod Podge Canvas Art
I purchased my canvases at www.dickblick.com (which can also be found on Amazon here), recommended by Suzanne, and bought all other supplies at Hobby Lobby. The scrapbook paper was actually on sale at the time of the project and was dirt cheap!
DIY Mod Podge Canvas Art

Creating the artwork was the easy part. Hanging in a perfect pattern was difficult because each canvas is not the same measurement. You honestly have to eyeball it as best as you can and make lots of mistakes before getting it right. I remember cussing and sweating a lot.

DIY Mod Podge Canvas Art

Overall, this was an inexpensive way to decorate a wall, and you can fit whatever style you like. The scrapbook paper comes in countless styles, patterns, and colors. We like a little modern flair in our home, so that’s why I chose those particular colors and patterns.

Create Mod Podge Canvas Art momspark.net

I would love to see your Mod Podge artwork! Suzanne even went beyond wall art in this post. You can pretty much Mod Podge anything that doesn’t breathe!

Happy Mod Podging!!!