Free 2016 Printable Calendar Cards
2015 was a fantastic year for me. I sold my house for a small profit, I went on a bunch of trips and saw more in 12 months than I had seen in the past 12 years, and I moved from Central Oklahoma to the southernmost part of Texas, right smack dab on the Mexican border. To say things have been incredibly interesting is an understatement.
I didn’t really know what the year had in store for me at the beginning of the year. I had an idea of what I wanted to do and where I wanted to go but I didn’t know if it was going to work out. 2015 is the year I learned that nothing happens unless you make it happen. What an amazing life lesson at the tender, young age of 35 – ha!
In 2016 my word of the year is EXPLORE. As in exploring the world (I’m getting a passport, y’all!), explore the options available to me in my chosen career, explore the things about myself and find those things that I like, and encourage them to grow. Apparently my sub-word should be INDECISIVE. 🙂 I made these calendars with flowers and then I hated it once it was finished. So here I am up at late o’clock the night before typing up my post having just finished processing my PDF files to share here. But in the end, I’m happy with my end product so how about if I let you see what’s what here?
There is a calendar card for every month of 2016 and all have BRIGHT pictures of amazing places. Because that’s what we have, my friends, a BRIGHT future.
Unfortunately, my printer didn’t get the memo so my prints are dull. Womp-womp. But I’ve already sent the PDF over to the local printer to get a set whipped up on glossy card stock at a price of about $4 – not bad!