DIY Halloween Kid Ghost Feet Craft
I remember as a kid doing all sorts of fun things that didn’t make a whole lot of sense to me… like shoving my hands in goo for a while. I also didn’t understand why adults would get misty-eyed at the same time.
But now I get it. We, adults, like to have the kids in our lives make things that will remind us of just how small they once were. And at that moment they are doing this thing, making this keepsake it flashes in front of our eyes just how soon they will be too old for this. Too big or finding themselves too mature, we get all of these little things in before puberty sets in.
DIY Halloween Kid Ghost Feet Craft
These little ghost feet are super simple to make, and surprisingly older kids kind of like it, too. The plan had been to use a little miss in Pre-K but things didn’t work out. So instead, my 9-year-old nephew was kind enough to stand in for that little gal.
I was honestly pretty surprised at just how much fun he had made these ghost feet. Apparently anything messy a young boy is going to like. Or at least that is what I was told!
Items Needed for Halloween Kid Ghost Feet Craft
- Washable white paint
- Black paper
(we used construction paper)
- Black marker
- Paintbrush
Washable Paint is Best for DIY Halloween Kid Ghost Feet Craft
As it turns out, when I spend a lot of time with kids I become frazzled and forgetful, and my personality changes. A lot. So when I put “paint” on the shopping list for my sister and me, we came home with all sorts of paint (this was on two trips) including fabric paint, spray paint, and acrylic paint. NEVER did I come home with WHITE WASHABLE PAINT. Because when I saw that word I’d look at my sister puzzled. “Why did I put paint on here?” sister: “Ooh, red spray paint for a zombie!” me: “Yeah, that was it!”
Because we didn’t use washable paint, we had a bit of an issue with the paint spreading really well. Good fabric paint, like Tulip fabric paint, is thick so that it doesn’t go everywhere. Because it was so thick it was a bit difficult to make a big blob-like we wanted. Also, it was a pain in the royal rear for him to wash this stuff off when we were done! Long story short, get yourself some Tempera paint!
How to Make Halloween Kid Ghost Feet Craft
Put your paint out on a paper plate and have the child step inside. Move the foot around to get it nice and covered.
Place straight down onto a piece of black paper. We practiced this a few times before getting started with no paint because we would have smeared the heck out of our paper if we hadn’t.
And here are our footprints. On the left, we used a paintbrush to fill in the insole area. On the right is what we got naturally with the thick paint. Runnier paint will do a lot better and you may not need to touch it up with a brush at all!
Once dry, draw little faces onto the heel area to make little ghosts!
If your little one is little enough, you can have two ghosts on the same piece of paper, one for each foot!
When I asked what he thought about the craft this 9-year-old admitted that he might be getting a bit too old for this, BUT that it was messy and fun!
But when he’s a tween he won’t do this kind of stuff anymore. Gah, he’s growing up!