Into The Wild Nature Quotes
“All good things are wild and free.”
Henry David Thoreau
“Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.”
Rachel Carson
“We simply need that wild country available to us, even if we never do more than drive to its edge and look in. For it can be a means of reassuring ourselves of our sanity as creatures, a part of the geography of hope.”
Wallace Stegner
“What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night. It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.”
“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.”
John Muir
“I would rather wake up in the middle of nowhere than in any city on earth.”
Steve McQueen
Image sources: pinterest
2 Comments on “Into The Wild Nature Quotes”
I love the quotes and the photos! Really nice! I stumbled.
Very wise quotes ! Loved this post.