Halloween Foot Print Ghosts Craft for Kids
They are totally adorable and can be used for Halloween decorations, cards, birthday invitations, Halloween Party invitations and so much more. We do these each year with Lani and Wesley then place the footprints into a special book. Even Wesley still lets me!
You will need:
- paint the bottom of the child’s foot. Be warned that this WILL tickle and giggles will happen:)
- make a print of the foot on the paper
- wait for the footprint to dry then make a ghost face on the heel.
10 Comments on “Halloween Foot Print Ghosts Craft for Kids”
Love this! Just found your site the other day and already know I will be excited to see your posts as they come up! Thank you!
Wendy-such a cute idea!! So much fun!
adorable!! I love those!!!
great idea!
those are cute!
This is such a CUTE idea!!
This is so cute. As a preschool teacher I have never seen this one, how cute. I’ve done reindeer with footprints at Christmas time. I have a parents of preschoolers page on my blog and I would be happy to link your blog there 🙂 I look forward to reading your blog. Mine is pretty new so I am trying to build up readership 🙂 God bless you!
This is such a cute idea! I might have to try it with the grandson! He will love it!
Great idea! And easy to do with kids of all ages. Will definitely try with my two year old. Always need art projects to send to Grammy. 🙂
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