A delicious mini caramel fall apple recipe that is less messy, sprinkled with candies and nuts, and completely adorable! The fall season brings about...
With cream cheese, brown sugar, chocolate chips, and crumbled cookies, this chocolate chip cookie dip is the ultimate indulgence! Chocolate Chip Cookie Dip Recipe...
Eyebrow microblading has blown up in the last couple of years. More and more women are taking the plunge and their experiences vary. I’m...
This 2-minute 2-ingredient frozen fruit smoothie makes a perfectly ice-cold, thick smoothie. It can be made with any milk or frozen fruit. For the...
Chicken breast, orange marmalade, BBQ sauce, and soy sauce slow-cooked in a Crockpot to absolute perfection! When the kids are home on summer break...
Life & Fun
I fall deeper and deeper in love with my bullet journal every day. And summertime, with all of the activities and downtime, is no...
Red, white and blue boozy vodka cherry bombs. Patriotic and DELISH. Perfect for a July 4th Independence Day party! Red, White & Blue Boozy...
A healthy way of living may help you flourish for the rest of your life. Making healthy decisions, on the other hand, isn’t always...
Father’s Day is almost here. Honestly, it’s going to be here before you can even say, “World’s Greatest Dad.” See? Today is magically Father’s...
Learn how to make the coolest toy for kids right now, a Fidget Spinner, at home easily and without skate bearings! I only learned...
Learn how to make this easy homemade sidewalk chalk paint that allows your kids to create art outside this summer, spring, or fall! My...
Life & Fun
skip to the Retro Kitchen Design WHY I STARTED PLAYING ANIMAL CROSSING When the quarantine was put in place early last year, I had...