You only need a hula hoop, thick yarn (or rope), and tape to make this awesome DIY giant dreamcatcher craft!

I remember the first time I made a dream catcher. I hadn’t lived in Oklahoma very long, and it was something a friend’s mother loosely showed us while we were supposed to be making origami for a class project. It was so interesting, and having just moved to a new place as a little kid, the idea of something that could snatch away my bad dreams was something pretty awesome.

How to Make a Giant Dreamcatcher with 3 Items

I’ve only made one other dream catcher since then, also here on Mom Spark, and it’s hung in my office ever since. I love it. But lately, I’ve been having some worse-than-normal nightmares, and sleep has been difficult to come by, either from feeling poorly or those dreaded dreams taking over in the middle of the night. So why not make a GIGANTIC dream catcher to catch those big baddies? I went to town and found the biggest circle I could, a hula hoop, and I got right to it!

How to Make a Giant Dreamcatcher Tutorial

Items Needed for Giant Dreamcatcher:

How to Make a Giant Dreamcatcher Tutorial

I couldn’t find a hula hoop in a neutral color, so I had to improvise. This one came from Michael’s for $5 in their summer fun section.

Make a GIANT dreamcatcher out of a hula hoop. How fun is this? Perfect for a statement wall!

I found this “burlap”-patterned Duck tape in my stash and decided to cover the holographic silver and purple pattern with it. You can also use fabric or ribbon; whatever you have on hand can easily work.

Make a GIANT dreamcatcher out of a hula hoop. How fun is this? Perfect for a statement wall!


Cover the hula hoop with the material you found, and go back and patch up any missed spots.

Make a GIANT dreamcatcher out of a hula hoop. How fun is this? Perfect for a statement wall!

And now it’s time to start weaving, I suppose you’d call it, this dream catcher! Tie off your yarn onto your hula hoop.

Make a GIANT dreamcatcher out of a hula hoop. How fun is this? Perfect for a statement wall!

Wrap your yarn or rope around the hoop where you want your dream catcher to start. The closer together you are in the beginning, the tighter the weave will be when you get to the center. Hold the rope or yarn onto the hoop and then pull the string through the loop it creates, like in the picture above. This is the basis for how you will knot the entire piece.

Make a GIANT dreamcatcher out of a hula hoop. How fun is this? Perfect for a statement wall!

Continue around and around the hoop. Once you’ve finished that circuit, you’ll start connecting in the middle of the yarn/rope from the previous round, looping the string in the same way.

Make a GIANT dreamcatcher out of a hula hoop. How fun is this? Perfect for a statement wall!

You go around and around. If you run out of string or yarn, simply tie off the old piece and tie on the new one. The knots can easily get bulky, and I wish that I had made simple single knots reinforced by glue rather than double knotting two pieces. They’d be far less bulky and noticeable in my finished project.

Make a GIANT dreamcatcher out of a hula hoop. How fun is this? Perfect for a statement wall!

When you get to the center tie-off, you’re set. You can adorn your dream catcher any way you wish, even like the one I made.

Want to add a little Bohemian chic to your walls? Make a floral dreamcatcher!

Remember that one? Isn’t she pretty? She still lives right there next to the moose, who, unfortunately, has become something of a clothes rack 🙂

Make a GIANT dreamcatcher out of a hula hoop. How fun is this? Perfect for a statement wall!

Whether it’s fancy or simple, one thing’s for sure… this jumbo dream catcher is fun, neat, and the perfect addition to any statement wall. And if it happens to snatch those bad dreams out of the air before they make it to your bed, you or yours, that’s pretty awesome, too.